Service Alert

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Fall Cleanups:

Amsterdam (Village)

Killbuck (Village)

Newcomerstown (Village)

Richmond (Village)

Roswell (Village)

Smithville (Village)

Strasburg (Village)

Stone Creek (Village)

Summitville (Village)

West Salem (Village)

York Township

General Alerts:

All waste and recycling routes are running as scheduled.

How to Properly Dispose of Waste and Recyclable Materials:

  • Bag your trash – Please make sure all trash is securely contained in your trash bags, and that they are tied shut before placing in your cart.
  • Medical waste – Please contact your local pharmacy to find a proper disposal location/container.
  • Cart placement – Allow three feet between the tote(s) and other obstructions. The opening of the carts should be facing the curb.
  • Night before – Please place your cart at the curb the night before your service day.
  • Approved Items Only – Only approved recyclable items should be placed in the recycling bin. The less sorting for our team the better. 
  • Clean & Dry – Food and liquid contaminate recyclables. Please make sure recyclables are clean and dry.
  • Loose Recycling – Place approved recyclables loosely in your Kimble Recycling Cart. No bags.