How to Properly Dispose of Waste Amid Coronavirus


We need your help to keep our drivers safe by properly disposing of your waste and recycling amid COVID-19. Please follow the simple tips in the video below. 

  • Bag your trash – Please make sure all trash is securely contained in your trash bags, and that they are tied shut before placing in your cart.
  • Medical waste – Please contact your local pharmacy to find a proper disposal location/container.
  • Cart placement – Allow three feet between the tote(s) and other obstructions. The opening of the carts should be facing the curb.
  • Night before – Please place your cart at the curb the night before your service day.
  • Approved Items Only – Only approved recyclable items should be placed in the recycling bin. The less sorting for our team the better. 
  • Clean & Dry – Food and liquid contaminate recyclables. Please make sure recyclables are clean and dry.
  • Loose Recycling – Place approved recyclables loosely in your Kimble Recycling Cart. No bags.

Our business is essential to the health and safety of the public.  Our entire team is working tirelessly during this pandemic to make sure our customers are being serviced.  Thank you for taking the time to follow these easy steps so that our team can safely do their job.  

And, thank you to our team for going above and beyond during this difficult time.